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Analysis of Speed Violation

We Analysed Speed of Vehicles in our Campus concerning the different parameters which were helpful in Observe behaviors of our Vehicle owners.


Parameters Were as follows:

1)TimeWise Analysis

2)Day/Week-Wise Analysis

3)Holiday- Working Day Wise Analysis

4)Vehicle Type-Wise Analysis



We Analysed Speed Violations w.r. T Time Using labeling Different intervals of time in a day for Ex. 0 AM to 3 AM ; 3 AM to 6 AM etc. of a day.



We Found out that Speed Violation was very less in the morning interval and at Night intervals and Peak of Violation are very high at day time that is   15PM-18PM. We can also see that violations suddenly decreases in the year 2019 maybe because we started Sending SMSs To Violators.


Graphs below Show the variation of traffic, where X-axis show the period

as to1, where t-time,o-month,1- the time between 00:00 to 06:00


Traffic Variations vs Time duration(1st bar shows Number of Vehicles in Campus between 1st of Dec till 31st Dec that happen between 00:00-06:00)

Fraction(Number of Violation/Traffic in campus) vs Time duration(1st bar shows Number of Violation/Traffic in Campus between 1st of Dec till 31st Dec that happen between 00:00-06:00)

Number of Violations vs Time duration(1st bar shows Number of Violation between 1st of Dec till 31st Dec that happen between 00:00-06:00)

Holiday/Working Day Wise

(Working Day/ No Class Day/SAT -SUN)

The fraction: Violations in Campus on weekends/ Traffic in Campus on weekends vs  Week in a Month(1st bar shows the fraction of Violations in Campus on weekends and Traffic in Campus on weekends(Say in 1st week of Dec).

Violations in Campus on Working days vs days(week) in a Month(1st bar shows Violations in Campus on


The fraction of Violation in Campus on and Traffic in the campus on Working days vs days(week) in a Month(1st bar shows Violations in Campus/Traffic campus on Monday.

Traffic in Campus on Working days vs days(week) in a Month(1st bar shows Traffic in Campus on


The fraction of Violations in Campus and traffic in Campus on Holiday days vs (weeks) in a Month(1st bar shows the fraction of violation and traffic in Campus in first week of May.

Traffic in Campus Holidays vs (weeks) in a Month(1st bar shows the traffic on Campus in the first week of May.

Violations in Campus Holiday vs (weeks) in a Month(1st bar shows the violation in Campus in the first week of May.


We used week wise analysis to find several violations on each weekday (Mon, Tue,…). We used the labeling as  (day)(month) Say MonO is Mondays of October.



We find out that we can not conclude in that on which day most violation happened because it varies according to the month. From the given Graph, We can see that in December the violation decreased rapidly because of winter break and they are at the Peak in October because of fest seasons(RDV, Speranza)

The fraction: Violations / Time duration vs  Day of the week(1st bar shows the fraction of Violations in a Day(Say Monday) and Traffic in Campus on that particular day)

Violations in Campus vs  Day of the week(1st bar shows the Violations in a Day(Say Monday) )

The Traffic / vs  Day of the week(1st bar shows the Traffic in a Day(Say Monday)).

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